Friday, March 18, 2011

Anyone Home?

"Oh Lord"....when you hear my voice, do you sigh and say, "Oh, it's you again!"?

Do you ever feel that way?  That He just wishes that for once you would not call...that He just lets the phone ring and pretends He isn't there...or better yet, takes it off the hook and you just keep getting a busy signal?  Sometimes it feels like we get a busy signal.  You wish He would at least let the answering machine pick up...."Hello, this is God.  I'm taking a little break right now.  If this message is urgent, press one to contact your local pastor, otherwise, leave your name and number and I'll get back with you soon.  Have a blessed day!"

Soon??  And what is considered "soon" in God time?  That's the one question we never seem to get an answer to.  Along with most of the others.  "But God, you don't understand.  My call is urgent and the local pastor will not do.  I need to talk to You.  I need You to listen to me.  I need to tell you what's been going on with me."

Well, guess again....He already knows.  Now that's the tricky part.  Why do I have to keep telling Him when He already knows?  Yeah, that's exactly what He says..."why do you keep telling me when I already know?" Because you told me to God.  You told me to be persistent...speak my needs, talk to you, tell you my desires and dreams.  Lay all my burdens on You. I do all that and then some.  When are you going to answer...that's the real question?

And then it the stillness of the night, in the quiet of an empty heart, after pouring out just one more time...the answer comes.  But it does not come in words, or actions or through another person or even through a change of circumstance.  It comes in Peace.  Overwhelming Peace. That Peace that goes way beyond our understanding. That OverPowering Peace that only One can give.  And it's's just there.  And we don't know when or why or how, but it's there.  And we know at that very moment, we can last one more day...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The truth is...the truth is at our the very air we envelops us at all times. When we relax and bask in that truth, our way is peace...not always pleasant, but there is peace. When we try to break out of that truth, it takes our breath, it uncovers us, it leaves us vulnerable to anyone and anything that comes along. We need not fear the truth, but must embrace the truth, for if we don't, fear WILL overcome us....