Monday, February 18, 2013

Not Often Enough

Oh how fragile this life is! One moment we are here and all is well, the next we are gone or on our way out.

Are we really promised anything on this journey? Are we promised long life? Are we promised smooth roads? Are we promised no problems along the way? No to all. We are promised protection from the evil one. We are promised love, forgiveness, shelter. Well, shelter from what? We don't need shelter if there is never a storm. Don't need forgiveness if we never do wrong. Always need and desire love. Now that's the one thing it would be hard to live without and luckily, no faithfully, we don't have to.

So we make our plans, we dream our dreams and hope they all come true. But we must not forget the Creator of all we do, of all we are. Does it fit with His plans, His dreams for us? I do believe He has plans and dreams for us, I know He does. Do I move in such a way as to fulfill those dreams and plans? Probably not. Just like a child, I frequently want to go my own way and hope that it somehow fits in His plan. Not exactly what He had in mind.

And just as a young child longs to please his parents, I long to please my Father. And just as a parent is proud when his child does the right thing, so is my Father pleased when I follow Him and do the right thing.

How often does that happen?