Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Lord is my Father...

The Lord is my Father.
He loves me unconditionally.

He teaches me right from wrong.
He loves truth and turns His eye from evil.

When I stray, He disciplines me with His love.
When I am obedient, He empowers me with His love.

He watches out for my safety and protects me.
His mighty hand reaches out and saves me from calamity and death.

He feeds me from His abundance.
I do not hunger or thirst.

He comforts me in times of pain
And rejoices with me in times of success.
He keeps me close to His heart for His purposes.

Though I may walk the wider path,
He never leaves me. He never stops loving me.
He stands in the doorway expectantly watching for my return.
His house is always open and His arms are outstretched.

Surely He will keep me and I will dwell with Him all the days of my life.

Love Found

One lonely tree on a hill stood
Its future completely misunderstood
Those who saw it thought it shame
And the One who bore it would take the blame

Jesus carried that tree down a dark lonely road
Tired and weary from His heavy load
But He didn’t stop at all that day
For He knew the end would pave the way

I found Love on a hill that day
He hung from a cross and some would say
That He deserved it, to hang from that tree
But giving all, He did it for me

He opened His arms and gave His last breath
For God had ordained it to be His death
The final sacrifice so we could be saved
That tree would be the only way

I found Love on a hill that day
He hung from a cross and some would say
That He deserved it, to hang from that tree
But giving all, He did it for me