Thursday, January 19, 2012


I wonder if some of you remember the movie "Groundhog Day". You know, that day that never ends...never changes. Same thing keeps happening over and over til you finally learn the lesson. Well, welcome to my world.

I have found that with the holidays coming up, my life seems to reflect that movie. Only it's not all me. Oh sure I have my routine that involves work, relaxation, family time. But the boys. Their lives are just the same day over and over again. It doesn't matter if it's Thanksgiving day or Christmas day or Tuesday. Every day is the same day. Get up, do what I HAVE to do to satisfy the folks and get on with MY day. There is no real sense of family, being together, laughing together, sharing life together. There is only MY life and those things that concern ME.

Now we are all selfish to a degree, but teenagers are a whole different breed. The world revolves around them. What will make ME happy today. What do I want to do today. What can satisfy ME today. I wonder, am I all THAT different? I mean, I go to work so that I can have the resources to give the kids and family the things they need, to give me resources to have the things I need and desire from time to time, to supply food, clothing, shelter and on it goes. They have jobs so that they can buy the gas that will take them to the friends house, or the bar, or the nearest fast food joint. Heaven forbid they give that money to anything other than themselves. Christmas, birthday? Oh they expect presents, but do they consider others when those times come around? Their attitude is more, just give me my stuff so I can leave and go to my friends house for the day...oh and thanks. I am to the point where I don't want to give them anything anymore. I don't want to force them to be with the family or go to church anymore. I don't want them living here anymore. And that is so sad, because I love them so very, very much and I don't think they have a clue as to how much.

And that's when the lightbulb goes on. This sounds so much like us with God. We go about our day, doing the things WE want to do, spending OUR money the way WE want to spend it and giving an..."oh thanks" on our way out the door. I have to believe that He gets so tired of us. He just doesn't want to force us to church anymore, or give us blessings anymore or even be around us anymore. And that is so sad because He loves us so very, very much and we don't have a clue as to how much.

But thanks be to our Great God, for He does not turn his back on us. Just as we would never give up on our children, God never gives up on us. We get weary and tired, but God does not. So when those times come, when we want to give up on those that we love so much, give them back to God and let Him handle it. He's had a lot more practice and He has unending love and patience. And in His sight, NO day is the same day....they are ALL a new day. Thank God!!