Thursday, October 27, 2011

Going Home

When I breathe my last breath
And finally let go
I want to see Your face
If You are not there
Then this life of mine
Has only been a waste

I long for the day
When our eyes will meet
And I will hear You say
Welcome home my child
You have run your race
You have found your way

Don't be afraid to go home
Don't be afraid to finish
You are tired and weary away from Him
Go and let Him replenish

The day I was born
You were there with me
To see it all take place
To capture my heart
Was your greatest task
Even if You gave chase

Through all the years
You stayed close by my side
And never failed to see
That I did my all
To heed your call
And that’s what set me free

I won't be afraid to come home
I won't be afraid to finish
I am tired and weary away from You
I will come and let You replenish

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Letters to my son....

Dear Son,

Well, it's done. Graduation is over, the parties are coming to an end. Preparation has begun for life after high school.

This past year has been tough with it's trials and tribulations. Those wings of yours have opened and you have begun to soar. As you fly above, look down and reflect on your life. The good, the bad, the meaningful and the meaningless. Throw away that which does not matter and cling to those things that do. Let go of past mistakes and start your future today. Start a path of defining moments that will define the true you. Son of ours and friend of God, sensitive and caring, striving to always do the right thing, defining your future and the course it will take.

These next few years will be fun, hard, life-changing years. You will explore your worth. You will fail, you will triumph. You will lose and you will win. You will make choices and reap the results of those choices...good or bad. You will let go of the child and grab onto the adult that so desparately wants to blossom. You will be loved by many and not by a few. Cling to the love and allow the hate to fall away. It's just not worth holding on to. Keep the Lord close to you. Cling to Him when there's nothing left to do. Listen to His still, small voice when deciding what to do. Walk with Him daily to know how to do. He's all you need.

Dad and I love you so much and are so excited to watch your future unfold. We are proud of you. We brag about you. When you hurt, we hurt. When you are excited, we are excited. When you are full of joy, we are full of joy. That's just how it goes with parents.

We have great expectations of your future. We have an assurance that all will be well with you.

Begin this adventrue with excitement and determination. It's a great ride...but hold on.

We love you Son, and are so proud of you....
