Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Letter to You

Dear Susan,

I love you so much. So much more than you would ever know or try to know. You are in my every thought. I go through every trial and celebration with you. I am always there.

I see how you worry sometimes about your boys. I see that you are trying to raise them on the path that they should go. Give them to Me. I promise to take care of them.

I see you with your mom. I know how much you love her and I see that you get frustrated with her at times. Know this, I love her too. Just as much as I love you. I see the impatience and intolerance on your part and I know her frustrations and intolerances too. Remember to give her to Me.

I see your love for your husband. You are faithful to him. He loves you. And I love him. With all his faults and inadequacies...he is Mine too.

I want you to draw closer to Me. I want you to read My word. I want you to be powerful in My name. I want you to be bold. Repent immediately when you hear My still, small voice-calling to you. Run to Me immediately when your burdens are hard to bear. I WILL give you rest. Turn back to your First Love. Love me like you did before. Don't let a day go by that we don't talk. Commune with Me. Be obedient to My word. Be more giving. I LOVE a giver who gives from their heart alone. With no strings attached. Stay close to My heart. Then I can talk to you and we can commune together. Sacrfice for Me. Pray to Me. Choose Me above all else. Love Me above all else. I love you above all else.
