Monday, November 11, 2013

Only God!

You know it seems that most of us bloggers and writers so much of the time write out of our desperation, out of our pain, out of our circumstances. How often do we write out of our joy? How often do I allow myself to see the joy that surrounds me everyday?

For so long I wrote about my pain, my children and the circumstances that they were in and I found myself in. Very rarely was there joy in the circumstance but there certainly was joy in finding God's hand in everything that was going on. And when things were running smoothly, ie,the kids were not causing any major problems, there was joy in that as well because the heartache was kind of on the back burner. There seemed to be a break from reality of sorts. God was so gracious in giving me those breaks as well. But did I ever write about that? Not too often.

Well today I want to speak of a humanly unattainable joy. My heart has been filled to overflowing because of God's hand in my life and the lives of my children. Through times of doubt, fear, longing and thoughts of sure destruction, God made His presence most assuredly known.

I could not have ever conceived a better outcome. It is so true that He knows and provides beyond, far BEYOND our fleshly hearts desires and imaginations.

I praise Him for the men my boys have become and are ever becoming. To see their hearts turning to Him and the longing for knowledge, this change is too great for me to comprehend. Only God. Only God!

Is there perfection? Absolutely not. Is there conviction? I hope so...means they are listening. Is there sin? Of course. Do they love Him...without doubt! Are there still questions? Don't we all at some points in our lives!

The God of my heart has taken His rightful place in theirs and they have welcomed Him with open arms. There is still growing up to be done, but my confidence is no longer in my ability, like it ever really, truly was, but in God's ability to completely hold and protect their hearts.

For that, I can not thank Him enough....